What is ‘frigorscaping’, the not-so-practical TikTok home trend?

What is 'frigorscaping', the not-so-practical TikTok home trend?

When people talk about decorating their fridge, they often talk about the door – but the latest trend sees people focusing on WITHIN of the refrigerator for decoration. People on Instagram and TikTok have taken to “fridge processing,” turning the place where they keep their food into something aesthetically pleasing. People on Instagram and TikTok … Read more

What is the ‘moon face’? Here’s When You Should Worry About Cortisol: The Experts

What is the 'moon face'?  Here's When You Should Worry About Cortisol: The Experts

Its not love hitting your eye. TikTok beauty lovers have a new common enemy in cortisol. A condition called the “moon face” has put fear on the faces of stressed-out youngsters, who now believe their excess appearance can be blamed on their cortisol levels. Also known as “cortisol face,” the term refers to a perceived … Read more