Suicidal thoughts spiked after 3 beloved celebrities’ deaths: study

Suicidal thoughts spiked after 3 beloved celebrities' deaths: study

The suicides of Robin Williams in 2014 and Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain in 2018 led to an increase in suicidal thoughts and behaviors among the public, a disturbing new report from Columbia University finds. Columbia researchers developed a computer model that estimated the amount of suicidal ideation and the number of suicides stemming from … Read more

Lance Bass has type 1.5 diabetes – everything you need to know about LADA

Lance Bass has type 1.5 diabetes - everything you need to know about LADA

Lance Bass was driving himself crazy trying to control his blood sugar after being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a few years ago. It turns out that Bass actually has latent adult-onset autoimmune diabetes, which exhibits features of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Lance Bass, pictured here on May 14, 2024, in Los … Read more